Sunday, November 15, 2009

Text Wrap in GridViews

If you want to make your text wrap in a GridView control, just add the style WORD-BREAK:BREAK-ALL.
protected void gridViewCustomer_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Attributes.Add("style", "WORD-BREAK:BREAK-ALL");

Friday, November 13, 2009

Read XML doc with xmlns using XDocument

Sample Xml File County.xml

<root xmlns="nameSpace">
<group name="Sutter">
<group name="Yuba">
<group name="Placer">


XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load("Country.xml");
XNamespace ns = xDoc.Root.Name.Namespace;

//adding the namespace infront of the XName will allow you to access the node.
var elements = xDoc..Element(ns+"root").Element(ns+"County").Descendants(ns+"Group");

foreach (var element in elements)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

siteMapNode target="_blank"

Don't waste your time adding a target="_blank" attribute in your sitemapNode, IT DOESN'T WORK. There is a work around though. Add JavaScript to open your link in a new page.

(Will not work)<sitemapnode url="" title="Google" target="_blank">

(WORKS!)<sitemapnode href="javascript:var'','google');" title="Google" />

Monday, July 20, 2009

Great Sql Server Plugin

T-Sql CRUD Code Generator

If you're like me, you want save time when coding. If there is a mundane task that you can teach a monkey to do, why wast time and do it your self. I found a great plug-in for Sql Server Management Studio that lets you generate CRUD statements for your tables. Just right click on your table in Object Explorer and choose create CRUD.

A big thank you to Mladen Prajdić, the developer who created this useful tool. Go to his website, download his tool, and click on some ads.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Installing Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Be Patient! Installation takes a long time!

I made the mistake of canceling installing several times because I thought it was hanging. Nope, this install just takes a very long time. Just wanted to warn everyone that you need to be patient. The installer progress screen will be on "Installing VS90sp1-KB945140-X86-ENU" for a while. Just wait it out.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'. However, the current database schema i

If you are migrating your site to a new server and generated a create table script of all the membership tables, It's most likely that your aspnet_SchemaVersions table is empty. If you populate aspnet_SchemaVersions table with the following values, you should be good to go.

Feature CompatibleSchemaVersion IsCurrentVersion

common 1 1
health monitoring 1 1
membership 1 1
personalization 1 1
profile 1 1
role manager 1 1

Monday, February 23, 2009

Community Server shared membership

Step to configure Community Server with an existing membership database.

Create Community Server Database manually

Step 1.) Add a new connection string in CS web.config that points to your sites membership database.

Step 2.)Update your providers
(Membership, Profile, and/or Role) to use the new connection string

Step 3.) Change the CS application name to your sites application name.
The applicationName property exists in Membership, Profile and Role Provider tags.
AND in the database cs_SiteSettings.ApplicationName.

Step 3.)Add CS stored procs to you mainsites database.
* cs_Membership_GetUsersByName
* cs_Membership_IsUserNameTaken
* cs_Membership_RenameUser
* cs_Membership_ChangePasswordAnswer
* cs_Membership_ValidatePasswordAnswer
* cs_Profile_GetPropertiesForUsers
* cs_Role_Get
* cs_Roles_CreateRole
* cs_Roles_UpdateRole
* cs_Roles_GetRoleIdsForUsers
* cs_Roles_Get

Step 4.)Copy CS roles to you mainsites aspnet_Roles table.
make sure to enable identity insert

Step 5.)Copy CS Users to you mainsites aspnet_Users table.
make sure to enable identity insert

Step 6.)Copy CS User to Roles mapping to you mainsites aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
make sure to enable identity insert


I received a pop up error with the message System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException. This happened when I was trying to reload a project that somehow got unloaded.

  1. Once the solution opens, right-click on the unavailable project and select Edit project_file_name.vbproj.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and delete the ProjectExtensions section.
  3. Save the page.
  4. Right-click again on the unavailable project, and select Reload Project.
  5. Your project should now be available and you should be able to see all your project files.

SQL Authentication login error

I was trying to connect to Sql Server Management Studio today using SQL Server Authentication and received a Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452. "The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

PROBLEM: Cannot login with any account using SQL Server Authication because the Server Authentication mode does not allow it. (We need to change it so SQL Server Authentication is allowed).

Step 1.) Log into Management Studio using Windows Authentication
Step 2.) Right Click on the Server and select Properties
Step 3.) Select the Security page from the left side navigation.
Step 4.) Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
Step 5.) Press OK
Step 6.) Right click on the Server and select Restart

You should now be able to login with the account that requires SQL Server authentication.

Hope this helps.


Error trying to create a Database Diagram in Sql Server 2005

Today I tried to create a Database Diagram in SQL Server 2005 and received a pop up error message:

Sql 2005 Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner

EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'yourDB', '90';
use [yourDB]

Thank you Shahed for posting the solution on